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Viewing articles categorized as "Divorce & Separation"

How to talk to your children about your impending divorce

How to talk to your children about your impending divorce

Telling your children that you are planning to divorce is one of the most difficult tasks a parent will face. The dissolution of a marriage already evokes a range of emotions, including anger, guilt and resentment.

My spouse wants a divorce. How do I handle that?

My spouse wants a divorce. How do I handle that?

Many marriages end in divorce. There could have been serious issues in your relationship and the request for a divorce is not unexpected, or perhaps it came as a complete surprise.

I want a divorce. What are the steps?

I want a divorce. What are the steps?

A divorce is the legal end of a marriage. Only the court can grant it, provided the parties involved have followed the correct steps on whatever path they have chosen to get there. Once the process is completed, the court will issue a divorce certificate proving that you are no longer married.

The difference between a divorce and an annulment

The difference between a divorce and an annulment

While the results of a divorce and an annulment of a marriage are essentially the same, the processes are very different. That is because a divorce terminates a legally valid marriage while an annulment treats the marriage as if it never existed. 

Make your children a priority during a divorce

Make your children a priority during a divorce

The end of a marriage may feel like you are riding on an emotional rollercoaster. Divorce is not a single event but a process that unfolds over time involving a series of changes.

Avoid costly mistakes in your divorce

Avoid costly mistakes in your divorce

Going through a divorce can be a difficult and emotional time. It can cause stress and doubt, potentially affecting your mental and physical well-being. 

Child Support in Shared Parenting – Macdonald v. Brodoff

Child Support in Shared Parenting – Macdonald v. Brodoff

Calculating child support is usually pretty straight forward when one parent is the primary parent – determine income, number of children, then look it up in the guidelines. However, when you are in a shared parenting arrangement, child support is governed by section 9 of the Federal Child Support Guidelines.

Post-COVID-19 Access to Justice and Procedure

Post-COVID-19 Access to Justice and Procedure

During the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, Courts in Alberta have altered their operations, policies and procedures with a view to helping to contain or prevent the spread of COVID-19 while maintaining, as much as possible, access to justice.

Retroactive Child Support for Former Children of the Relationship

Retroactive Child Support for Former Children of the Relationship

In Michel v. Graydon, a 2020 Supreme Court of Canada decision, it was held that the court can retroactively adjust child support amounts for non-married couples even after the child is no longer a child of the relationship if the provincial statute allows for it.

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Are you ready to move forward?
Set up an appointment with one of our experienced family and divorce lawyers today.
We offer a free 15 minute telephone or video consultation to see how we can help.