resources and articles on family law matters.

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Make your children a priority during a divorce

Make your children a priority during a divorce

The end of a marriage may feel like you are riding on an emotional rollercoaster. Divorce is not a single event but a process that unfolds over time involving a series of changes.

Paternity tests may trigger child support obligations

Paternity tests may trigger child support obligations

“Who’s your daddy?” That expression means different things in different contexts, but from a legal perspective, the answer is a key element in determining who is responsible for child support payments.

Overnight parenting time starts with careful planning

Overnight parenting time starts with careful planning

You have been granted parenting time and you are looking forward to having your children spend the night in your home. To ensure that everyone makes the most of that time, here are some steps you can take before, during and after.

Moving after a divorce can raise mobility issues

Moving after a divorce can raise mobility issues

After a separation or a divorce one person may want to move, to another city, province or even another country. Problems arise if there are children involved since any parenting time agreement will no longer work if the move is significant.

Defaulting on child support payments can cost you

Defaulting on child support payments can cost you

A child’s welfare is of utmost concern to family court judges in a divorce. According to s.16(1) of the Divorce Act: “The court shall take into consideration only the best interests of the child of the marriage in making a parenting order or a contact order.”

Child support using the Maintenance Enforcement Program

Child support using the Maintenance Enforcement Program

Ensuring a child is financially secure after a divorce or the end of a common-law relationship is paramount in Canada. Financial support is a child’s right and they are legally entitled to it, according to the Department of Justice (DoJ).

Avoid costly mistakes in your divorce

Avoid costly mistakes in your divorce

Going through a divorce can be a difficult and emotional time. It can cause stress and doubt, potentially affecting your mental and physical well-being. 

Contact us today

Are you ready to move forward?
Set up an appointment with one of our experienced family and divorce lawyers today.
We offer a free 15 minute telephone or video consultation to see how we can help.