resources and articles on family law matters.

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Parental Alienation: Behavior of the Alienating Parent

Parental Alienation: Behavior of the Alienating Parent

When it comes to alienating behaviors there are seventeen that one should watch out for. It must be noted that not all of them are required to successfully alienate a parent in any given situation.

Child Support in Shared Parenting – Macdonald v. Brodoff

Child Support in Shared Parenting – Macdonald v. Brodoff

Calculating child support is usually pretty straight forward when one parent is the primary parent – determine income, number of children, then look it up in the guidelines. However, when you are in a shared parenting arrangement, child support is governed by section 9 of the Federal Child Support Guidelines.

Post-COVID-19 Access to Justice and Procedure

Post-COVID-19 Access to Justice and Procedure

During the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, Courts in Alberta have altered their operations, policies and procedures with a view to helping to contain or prevent the spread of COVID-19 while maintaining, as much as possible, access to justice.

Retroactive Child Support for Former Children of the Relationship

Retroactive Child Support for Former Children of the Relationship

In Michel v. Graydon, a 2020 Supreme Court of Canada decision, it was held that the court can retroactively adjust child support amounts for non-married couples even after the child is no longer a child of the relationship if the provincial statute allows for it.

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